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$80,910 raised

$80,000 goal

/ 150



Litchfield Performing Arts’ mission is to bring together a racially, culturally, and socioeconomically diverse group of young people – educating and inspiring them to become confident, creative, expressive, adults through the vehicle of jazz, Americas’ original music, educating, entertaining and expanding its reach to regional and far-flung audiences of all ages.

MISSION IN PRACTICE – as told by Stella, the mother of a 13 year old first-time camper:

“He was gone for only 2 weeks, but let me tell you, he’s changed. He is more thoughtful,
Appreciative, and mostly happier. I do not have to argue with him before he makes his bed or cleans up his room. He is more independent. He practices trumpet every single day. It’s like he found a new connection to the music. So, I want to let all of you that made this happen know that you are shaping the future generation by providing them with opportunities. They always say it takes a village, and I am so grateful that you are part of the village that is raising my son.
P.S. When he got home, he asked to register right away for next year. That is how welcome and loved he felt.

When you get right down to it, helping young people grow into the best versions of themselves…

In 2023, we were able to provide $70,000 in need based scholarship support for students to attend Litchfield Jazz Camp. In 27 years, we have never turned away a child with financial need. This would not be possible without the generous support of our donors.

That’s what Litchfield Performing Arts (AKA Litchfield Jazz) has always been about. While we’re at it, we bring music to the wider community – and now, the widest, thanks to technology through our free, live streamed Litchfield Jazz Presents and the Annual Litchfield Jazz Festival.

When making a gift to Litchfield Jazz, you are investing in the future of jazz, and making an impact in the lives of young musicians. We welcome you to choose how to direct your gift, and appreciate your support.